We’ve started the trip of a lifetime and we want to share it with you!
Our world turned upside down when Covid hit and through doubt, fear and anxiety we constantly chose to look forward, onward and upward. My husband and I own a successful business centered around live entertainment. When the pandemic hit, Premium Seats USA, was crushed. In what felt like minutes, everything we had worked so hard for most of our adult lives was on the brink of extinction. We laid off majority of our staff and stopped paying ourselves to keep the business afloat. During the darkest days we thought we would be selling our home and moving in with family, perhaps facing bankruptcy and an utterly devastating end to life as we knew it.
When you move 10,000 miles a minute on the normal and then everything literally STOPS. You have no idea what to do with yourself. Early on, we jumped on themed quarantine nights at the house and started cooking everything and everything we saw on Tasty. We went on bike rides and we pulled out every piece of entertainment to keep our sanity! With a then two and five-year-old we wanted to keep things playful and lighthearted. We sheltered them from the chaos that was happening all around us and we did what we could to keep our mind off the “doom and gloom”.
When we were forced to sell our rental property we had a little awakening. Lucky for us, the South Florida housing market was HOT as could be and we were able to turn a nice profit on our investment. Most of the money was used to finance our basic needs while the business was in despair but we saw a little nest egg for adventure.
What if we could travel the world until life resumes as we remembered it? What if we never have the chance to do this again given all the uncertainty? What if this is life telling us we need to LIVE? What if it was actually possible?
I vividly remember telling our closest friends this hair-ball idea in mid-summer 2020. They thought we were CRAZY! So many questions. How is that possible? How can you afford it? How can you plan all that? How… how… how…. How?
Well, my soulmate is my soulmate because… together….we said – WE CAN.
We immediately got to work on a PLAN and by March 18, 2021 we were ON OUR WAY.